Monday 29 April 2019

Avoid Kidney Dialysis With Homeopathy and Diet

Avoid Kidney Dialysis with Homeopathy and Diet

The kidneys are important organ of excretion in the body. They are as important to the water metabolism as the colon is to food. Just as wrong eating habits damage the stomach and Gastro Intestinal Tract, same way improper liquid intake damage the renal system and the urinary tract.
kidneys get damaged by:-

  1. High blood pressure
  2. Diabetes
  3. Drinking too much or too less water intake 
  4. Consumption of alcohol
  5. Increased sexual activity
  6. Over use of antibiotics 
  7. Not heeding the urge to urination
  8. Fear and fright 

Uncontrolled diabetes and high blood pressure are the major reason behind renal Failure. Diabetic Nephropathy is a condition where kidney excrete more proteins, and leading to high Urea, Creatinine and potassium levels there is a risk of electrolyte imbalance. As the toxins level are raised regular dialysis is required. Dialysis is a process of filtration, that filter the blood through machine.
There are many reasons for toxins accumulate in kidneys and urinary tract, specially when the kidneys are not filtering the blood properly. Patient complains of lower back pain, sciatic pain, difficult or painful urination, urinary tract infections, swollen prostate or kidney stones.
One should follow proper diet to avoid further complications arising from the kidney disease. One should mainly lower the sodium, fluids and protein intake.
High Blood Sugar and High B.P are the major causative factor for Renal disease. Hence for maintaining good kidney health, Blood glucose levels and blood pressure must remain in normal range.
Unhealthy Kidneys are not capable of removing salt and water, hence it is advised to consume in controlled quantities. 
  • Lower Sodium Intake: Avoid intake of salt in your food. High intake of sodium can elevate blood pressure, along with risk of heart failure and pulmonary oedema. Have a very low salt diet. Avoid packed or processed foods including chips, pickles, cheese etc which have high salt content. 

  • Lower Potassium Intake: Few patient with renal disease need to decrease their potassium intake. Potassium is found in many fruits and vegetables. In poor function of the kidneys, it fails to remove the excess potassium from the blood. A high level of potassium may cause muscular weakness there by affecting the normal rhythm of heart. Foods rich in potassium are Celery root, Mushrooms, Greens, Spinach, Garlic, Avocado, Wheat germ, Almond, Raisin, Sunflower seed, Parsley, Radish, Lettuce, Cabbage, Bananas, Water melon, Dandelion root, Citrus fruits, Apricots, Dates, Wheat bran, Soybean, Tomato, Peas, Beans, Cucumber, Dried figs, 
  • Lower Liquid Intake: Restrict your fluid or water intake to 1.5 litres in 24hours. Patient who are not diabetic can take coconut water and buttermilk. All liquid must be under one and half litre per day. 
  • Limit Protein Intake: Protein plays an important role in sustaining good energy levels in our body. A healthy functioning kidney work to separates protein from the wastes and there after excretes this waste from blood. But impaired renal function leads to protein loss due to excretion of excess protein. So as to avoid excess work pressure on kidney, protein intake must be limited. Kindly note total protein elimination from the diet is strongly not advisable. The quantity of protein intake is calculated on the basis of blood urea and creatinine level. Usually we recommended 45-60 gm of protein intake.

  • Lower Cholesterol Intake: Intake of high fat substances or fried food items may increase the levels of cholesterol. Even if it is homemade, it is not advisable to have high fat food. Increase in cholesterol level in blood can cause kidney damage or failure. Use vegetable oils like safflower oil, olive oil for cooking which are the safest and healthiest choices.

  • Avoid Smoking: Smoking can complicate the Renal disease further. 

  • Limit Phosphorous Intake: Avoid intake of dairy products such as butter, cheese, ice creams etc. Avoid areated and non areated drinks like Pepsi, coca- cola, alcoholic drinks etc. also avoid beans, nuts and peas. Excess amount of phosphorous leads to decalcification or osteoporosis. 

How To Avoid Dialysis 
  1. Exercise or have a brisk walk regularly. For diabetic patients, it is more advisable to walk in the evening around 45 minutes.
  2. Keep your blood sugar and blood pressure under control. Also maintain normal cholesterol levels. Check it every 3 to 6 months.
  3. Always have a healthy and balanced diet. Have low salt diet. Avoid eating outside, because the ones prepared outside, sometimes add soda to cook soon or it may be unhygienic and the oil used may not be suitable for you. So, always prefer home-made food.
  4. Have a low-salt, low-protein, low-fat and high fruit and vegetable diet.
  5. Have at least two to three cups of boiled or steamed vegetables per day.
  6. Eat fiber rich foods like whole grain bread and cereals. Eat frequent small meals.
  7. Avoid processed foods like sauces, pickles etc.
  8. Check the labels for added salt. Drink warm and filtered water.
  9. Avoid food made by using baking powder like cakes, biscuits etc.
  10. Avoid legumes, milk and dairy products, mainly cheese. Control intake of non- veg including meat and fish. Consume skimmed milk insted of full cream milk. 
  11. Get your renal function tested once in a year and if you are already suffering from renal failure, then perform KFT every 2 week.
  12. Avoid smoking and alcohol.
  13. Avoid suppression of natural urges- passing or urine or stool or sleep.
  14. Maintain proper weight according to your age and height. low-fat diet and regular exercise also will lower your risk of heart and blood vessel (cardiovascular) disease.
  15. Avoid drugs such as NSAID’s (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) or even the drug to lower uric acid called Zyloric also causes Renal Failure.

Prevention Of Kidney Disease 
  • Keep good care of the underlying disease - blood pressure or diabetes
  • Stress is also leading cause of increased urea and creatinine. It aggravates all the diseases. It hampers the sugar control. It does not allow the system to take control of Blood pressure and other underlying diseases. Therefore the levels of urea and creatinine increase.

How to Avoid Dialysis using Homeopathic Medicine

Homeopathy is a traditional healthcare system of India and there are many homeopathic medicine explained in material medica to treat kidney failure. Yes, there are possibilities to avoid dialysis if a proper homeopathic treatment and regimen is followed. Homeopathic medicine can be successfully used to reduce the blood creatinine and urea levels. These homeopathic medicine not only help the body to get rid of toxins but also reduce the burden on the kidneys and don’t disturb the electrolytes especially the potassium level which is very important to maintain in a renal failure patient. The homeopathy medicine like apis, terebinthina, cantharis, Berberis vul, Phyllanthus niruri, Cichorium Intybus, Boerhavia diffusa, Berginea linguilata, etc help to reduce the blood creatinine and urea levels, and improve hemoglobin levels, thereby help’s to avoid dialysis. 

What are the causes of Kidney Failure ?
The need for dialysis arise when the kidneys are in chronic failure. Sometime acute kidney failure may also lead to dialysis requirement but that is usually temporary and once the acute kidney failure is under control, the dialysis is not needed any more. 

In case of Chronic kidney failure, which is usually due to chronic high blood pressure and chronic diabetes, Chronic drug overuse (painkillers, uric acid reducing drugs like Allopurinol -Zyloric etc.) are the major reasons for chronic kidney failure. There are many other reasons like auto-immune diseases, infections, cysts, stones and so on. 

The underlying reasons for chronic kidney failure should be kept in control. For example, the diabetes should be kept in control by using homeopathic medicine like cephlendra or syzygium jambolanum along with physical exercise and diet control.

The blood pressure can be kept in control by using homeopathic tincture like Rauwolfia
The detoxification in necessary to get rid of toxins like uric acid, urea, creatinine. This can be done by constitutional homeopathic medicine, which is one of the major component of Homeopathy treatment.

What is Dialysis and how it is done? 

Dialysis is an artificial way of cleansing the blood of toxins. The work of kidneys is to filter the blood and remove toxic matter out of the blood and remove them through urine, but when the kidneys fail due to chronic diabetes or blood pressure or the reasons explained above, the work of the kidneys is done by a machine called Dialysis machine. It is a kind of filtering machine which is attached to one of our arteries to take the blood and the whole blood circulates through this machine and this machine filters the blood and sends back the clean blood into our body. 

How the peritoneal dialysis differs from Hemodialysis?

There are 2 ways of doing the dialysis.  Hemodialysis removes wastes and water by circulating blood outside the body through an external filter, called a dialyzer, that contains a semipermeable membrane. This helps to remove the creatinine and urea from the blood and return the clean blood into our body. 

While doing the peritoneal dialysis, the wastes and water are removed from the blood using natural semipermeable membrane, i.e. peritoneal membrane of the peritoneum

How to avoid dialysis - Is there any way ?

This is not as easy as it seems, but yes there are many cases who respond to various homeopathy medicine. We at Aura Homeopathy have worked hard by searching ancient texts, doing practicals and after a lot of clinical trials and found the homeopathic treatment to be very effective in reducing blood creatinine levels and avoid dialysis. Homeopathy material medica is actually an ocean of knowledge, it's a treasure full of homeopathic remedies and a lot of research is needed to get the benefits from medicine described in the ancient texts. There are many ancient texts still available like organon of Medicine and material medica pura, which are about 1810 AD and contain many homeopathic ways to fight complicated diseases. 

Classical Homeopathy treatment give good results in renal failure patients and help to reduce urea and creatinine.

For more details. 
Muhammad Ahmed Homeopathic Clinic Homeopathic Dr Muhammad Maqbool Ahmad
9am to 5pm Contact # 0345-5542708
Tumair Islamabad. Pakistan. 

Homeopathy For Male Sexual Problem

Homeopathy For Good Sex | Male Sexual problem

Homeopathy For Good Sex

Lack of sexual desire,
Disturb sexual relationship,
Lack of proper sexual orgasm,
PE - Premature Ejaculation,
ED - Erectile Dysfunction
Impotence, etc.

Above are the common problems in male in 21st century.

Long hour continous work, odd hour warking culture, disturbed sleep, anxiety causes both mental and physical fatigue. High Job responsibilities, daily office/home conflicts, Socio-economical trouble, create nervous tension.

As per Dr.Abhishek Kasana M.D Aura Homeopathy India, main sexual organ is our brain. This will be mentioned about what precisely is the phase of excitement, prior to any good sexual act. Any love game, foreplay or the local stimulation, is of no use, if mentally you are "elsewhere".

Mental emotionons, mental depression, anguish, sadness, the fear of pregnancy or any thing else, anxiety are very important cause for sexual dysfunction.
In above described circumstances, if a person suffer from sexual dysfunctions, it is labeled as Impotent.

Getting a good erection and and getting propper erection with high sexual desire, both are two different things. So dont get confused, with lack of sexual desire and impossibility of achieving a good erection. A lot of patients visit us at Aura Homeopathy India with complaint of excessive desire, but unable to satisfy due to either absent, or insufficient erection, with a history of sexual excess.

In addition to above mention mental factors, sexual dysfunction is directly influenced with hormonal change, i.e, the sex hormones in blood circulation. Hence it is normal for a young men, to have much higher desires than Old men.

Homeopathic doctor in Delhi Sex Problem

Top causes of low male sex hormone (testosterone) production

Diseases of the liver,
Impaired kidney function,
Diseases of the pituitary gland,
Excess physical exercise,
Mental fatigue,
Use of certain drugs such as tranquilizers , opiates, anti hypertensive, drugs to suppress appetite, and alcohol.
Regarding the alcohol intake, young men take "a few drinks" for encouragement. But its result is variable. If patient is very sensitive people, or if the dose of alcohol has been high, you may encounter an opposite effect like: mental depression, fatigue, sleepiness, dizziness, anxiety, confusion, and lack of sexual desire.
In the case of female, the level of estrogen directly influence sexual desire, in addition to the mental conditions mentioned above.

The classical homeopathic treatment of Sexual disorders required that each and every case must be thoroughly analyzed from clinical point of view.
To the clinical diagnosis, the diagnosis arising from the
Classical homeopathic case taking, helps to diagnose the cause, and on the basis of totality of symptoms and their causes, the corresponding Best Homeopathic medicine is indicated for each and eary sexual dysfunction case.

As sexual dysfunction is very closely related to the mental emotion's, Aura Homeopathy treatment give good effect, either through the action of constitutional homeopathic medicine, one that adapts to the patient, according to his characteristics, this constitutional homeopathic medicine helps to establish complete balance in mind and body.

Their are many homeopathic medicines which can be of great help in curing sexual dysfunction, but the Best medicine as per indivisualised case depends on proper case taking and indivusilation.

For example, if there is aversion to opposite sex or a lack of sexual interest, along with premature ejaculation, with a history of herpes, the graphites may be very useful.
Premature ejaculation with out proper erection: Lycopodium.
Mentally irritable person, very sensitive to other's opinion, with desperation, and anguish: Nitric acid.

General weakness, usually after a strenuous previous sexual relationship: Agnus
Irritable, cold, chills, lack of affection, sexual indifference, which improves working, cleaning the house at all times: Sepia. 
The loss of sexual desire or low libido, along with a deep anguish, with repressed crying: natrum muriaticum.
Other medications:

Yohimbinum is a powerful medicine have been proved very successfully in treating sexual impotence. At Aura we use it in 12 CH potency in males with erection difficulties (premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction) for those who describe following symptoms:- a lot of salivation or metallic taste in the mouth and at night, difficulties in sleeping "because they have memories of events in their lives that keep them awake "

Damiana: It extracted from the plant Turnera Aphrodisiac. It is recommended in female with difficulty reaching orgasm and those who having disturbed menstrual cycles. Generally we recommend it as Damiana 12 CH, 2 drops three times a day.

Natrum sulfuricum:- We recommend it to single men with erectile dysfunction who are typically withdrawn, melancholic, to whom physical exercise irritates and music makes them sad.

Thuja occidentalis:- We use it in men with erectile dysfunction due to the idealization of women. That is, in those who have idealized their female partner so much that unconsciously she is a goddess with whom they would not allow themselves to have a sexual relationship. We also use it with great success in men and women who have been left with sexual dysfunction after having suffered a sexually transmitted disease.

Titanium:- is very useful in men with premature ejaculation. Men who assume a hard and inflexible posture in their life, try to maintain a self-control of their actions to all test that finally ends up failing during the sexual act due to the neurotic compensation of this rigid attitude.

Conium. It is successfully used in the sexual dysfunctions of the men or women who led, or lead, a life of abstinence or sexual continence for religious, social reasons or simply lonely men and women.

Fluoric acid. It is play boy's medication, for the effects of uncontrolled and promiscuous sexual activity. It is considered that this sexual overflow is due to the fact that man has been left with the Maternal Complex and looks for the mother in all the women he sees, which leads to disappointment. 

For more details. 
Muhammad Ahmed Homeopathic ClinicHomeopathic Dr Muhammad Maqbool Ahmad
9am to 5pmContact # 0345-5542708

Tumair Islamabad. Pakistan. 

Homeopathic Medicine For Genital Warts

Homeopathic Medicine For Genital Warts HPV

Homeopathy For Genital Warts, HPV, STD?

Besides going to the doctor to have these wart burned off which is short term, but chances of recurrence is very high, I would like to recommend Homeopathic medicine, which works the best and is the most reliable remedy for genital warts.

Homeopathy Wart Treatment boosts your immune system so your body can fight off the warts naturally like it should. You take medicated homeopathic globules few times a day and slowly the warts start to go away. It took a few 2-3 months for all of the warts to completely go away after starting the treatment. The best thing is that they does not return at all.
There are many ways to remove genital warts. Podowart, Aldara and Condylox are the prescription Genital Warts Creams that you can easily get from the pharmacy counter. If these wart removing creams do not work, then doctors use other methods to treat genital warts. Some of the other conventional ways of treating the disease include burning, freezing and surgically removing the growths.

All of these methods of removing genital warts are effective but all of them are quite painful. None of the methods mentioned above are instant cures for genital warts. This means that you have to repeat the methods several times before it can completely remove the genital warts. This is both costly and painful.
These methods are very costly as done by dermatologist, so they are definitely not for the average persons. And the worse about these conventional  treatment used for removing genital warts is that none of these treatment can assure that the warts will not reappear. In fact in 90% of cases the warts are back again in less than a year.
Homeopathy Treatment is lot more affordable, painless and far more effective. Homeopathy treatment is most promising when it comesto treat warts. The good part is that these homeopathic medicine cost just fraction of the price as compare to cost of conventional treatments. Secondly it is painless with almost no chances of recurrence.

Because genital warts essentially have no symptoms other than their appearance. It is important, however, to recognize that the warts exist.
Few precautions
1.     Take the necessary precautions to prevent trauma to the area, which can result in bleeding.
2.     Be careful to prevent transmission to a sexual partner.
3.     Because the warts themselves are infectious, avoid touching them. Do not pick or squeeze the warts.
Genital Warts Facts:- Because there is a lot of misinformation about genital warts, here is a summary of facts in an uncomplicated, straight forward manner that will help to educate you and others about Genital Warts Treatment .
Genital Warts Facts
Genital warts are caused by the human papilloma virus, also known as HPV. There are a few different types
1.     Not all strains of HPV cause genital warts.
2.     Genital warts are highly contagious and spread by skin to skin contact or prolonged contact with a swimsuit, towel, or other surface.
3.     Warts usually appear as flat or slightly raised red or fleshy colored areas of flesh.
4.     Most genital warts can be diagnosed on their cauliflower like appearance alone.
5.     The incubation period after infection is generally two to four months.
6.     Only 2/3 of people infected will become symptomatic.
7.     Genital warts can appear in or around the genitals, the anus, rectum, throat, or urethra.
8.     Genital warts often appear singly or in groupings.
9.     Women often do not know they are infected until they experience an abnormal pap
10.  Genital warts are very prevalent, with as many as one million new cases being diagnosed per year.
11.  There are many treatment options available for those who experience genital warts. Many do not even work at all.
12.  Most Genital Warts Treatment does not cure genital warts.
13.  After treatment, genital warts can return any time.
14.  Genital warts often cause problems during pregnancy due to rapid growth.
15.  Rarely, infants can become infected with the disease when their mother has it.

Few Homeopathic medicine For Warts:- To begin with, the remedies that have been used since the time of Hahnemann to cure genital warts. The specific individualized homeopathic medicine is selected based on the symptomatic pattern. Six Important Homeopathic medicine used for Treating Genital Warts are given below:-
1.     Calcarea carbonica,
2.     Causticum,
3.     Dulcamara,
4.     Natrum muriaticum,
5.     Nitric acidum.

  For more details. 
Muhammad Ahmed Homeopathic ClinicHomeopathic Dr Muhammad Maqbool Ahmad
9am to 5pmContact # 0345-5542708
Tumair Islamabad. Pakistan. 

Homeopathic Medicine For Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative Colitis Top Homeopathy Medicine

Ulcerative colitis have serious physical, mental and psychological impact on one's health and personality. People are looking for answers - Is there any Homeopathy cure for ulcerative colitis?

I have seen many patients start suffering from depression, stop working, lose their jobs, can't travel and lead normal lives if they suffer from ulcerative colitis.

The problems of loose stools, bleeding with stools, drop by drop or occult bleeding, dark stools, frothy stools with mucus and painful cramps in abdomen, wind, dyspepsia, are the symptoms described in ancient text of homeopathy for this problem of inflammatory condition of the bowel.

What Actually Happens To Colon - Modern View?

According to modern medicine, the cause of ulcerative colitis is unknown. If the cause is unknown then how can we treat it? So the disease is listed as incurable disease in modern allopathic text books.

Many books quote it's an auto-immune disease i.e. when our own Immunity starts to attack our own digestive tract. Our own army becomes our enemy. So what do you do in this situation? Kill our own army with Immunosuppressants like Azathioprine etc. or stop the fighting ( inflammation ) between Antibodies ( our immunity ) and antigens ( unknown enemy) with Steroids ?

The other drugs like Mesalazine ( 5 Amino Salicylic acid) with brand names Asacol, Mesacol, Pentasa, Lialda, Apriso are given for life long. This is also an acidic drug and can cause serious side effects like kidney disease, nausea, diarrhea, pain abdomen, bone marrow depression ( leukopenia, neutropenia, agranulocytosis, aplastic anemia, low platelets ), hair loss, rashes, drug induced fever, interstitial nephritis, nephrotic syndrome ( This list is taken from Wikipedia ) –

Steroids have their own side effects and they may cause diabetes, disturbance of hormonal axis, bone loss, muscle loss, redistribution of fats ( round face ), severe weakness and many more. Mesalazine enemas are also given sometimes.

These are temporary measures to stop the bleeding for a while but as soon as you stop the drugs like Mesalazine (Asacol, Pentasa or Mesacol) the bleeding starts again.

Homeopathic View Of Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s Disease And Inflammatory Bowel Diseases

These are all curable with difficulty as per Homeopathic texts. When a text says it's curable, that means it's curable. So all depends upon the homeopathic doctor, medicines he uses, his management skills, patient compliance, how strictly the patient follows the doctor's advice and make some dietary changes. When the book says it's curable, that means it's curable.

Anyway, in my clinical practice, I have seen many patients getting completely cured rather than going into remission. My patients are free from allopathic drugs for ulcerative colitis.

What I mean to say is that the patients are getting cured !

I urge all the allopathic doctors, the governments to take necessary steps to popularize Homeopathic medicine to help as many patients as possible. At present, I don't have big funding for free clinical trials to establish the truth but I am seeing it every day happening in my clinic and I am happy about it.

Why Homeopathy For Ulcerative Colitis?

·        Homeopathic medicine reduced the fermentation, acid formation in the intestines and the astringent property helps to heal the ulcers. We have seen patients with huge ulcers getting healed using these homeopathic medicine.

·        Homeopathic medicine have wound healing, astringent and bitter properties which help to heal the ulcers, stop bleeding.

·        Homeopathic medicine is good for intestine, as well as improving overall energy levels.

·        Another homeopathic medicine, Justicia which originally used for bleeding while coughing and dyspnoea but it is good for internal bleeding as well and has remarkable ulcer healing properties.
·        Wonderful homeopathic medicine, Halorrhena anti-dysentrica is known to stop diarrhea and dysentery of any type, which can be infective diarrhea or E.coli, or due to IBD or Colitis.

·        About 70 % of the patients get relieved of the symptoms within first 45 days of using homeopathy medicine. The diet also plays an important role in getting rid of the disease.

Role Of Diet In Ulcerative Colitis

Diet is very important method of healing the ulcers and getting rid of toxins, stop the ongoing fermentation in the intestines. As per Research at Aura Homeopathy Clinic, endotoxins produced in intestines can behave as antigens and the body reacts to them and tries to kill or neutralize them and in the process damages the intestines. Intestinal mucous is a sticky material. It sticks to intestines, blocks the channels and blocks the flow of energies in the body. Patient feels lethargic, weak, stiff and tired with feverish feeling.


The best diet for Ulcerative colitis is stop consuming Milk, Cheese, Lassi (Butter milk).

Although most of the texts recommend buttermilk, But I have observed that approx. 50 % of the patients do not respond well to butter milk but 50 % of the patients respond well to buttermilk , Chachh or lassi. The butter milk should be prepared with Cumin seed water + Fennel Seed decoction or water. Then it has been found to be useful but usually I ask patients to stop consuming Buttermilk / Lassi  and Milk and Cheese.

Sour fruits - Please don't consume Sour fruits like lemons, Citrus juices, oranges or mosami, kiwi and Pineapples. The tomatoes are also not recommended. Vinegar is really dangerous for ulcerative colitis patients.

Spices - Spices like Ginger, Garlic, Chillies are not recommended. Black pepper can be consumed in moderation with food. Black Peppers can also be consume in moderation along with food.

Sweets - Sugar is not recommended at all.

Juices - All Packaged juices should be stopped immediately.

Fresh Juices - Pure pomegranate juice - 50 ml twice daily is recommended. Rather it is mandatory to be taken twice daily. Green grass juice - 10 ml once daily, Coriander leaves juice- 5 ml once daily or Marigold petals juice - 5 ml once daily is very good to stop bleeding. Rose petals juice 5 ml once daily is good. Just squeeze the petals in a clean cloth and take out the fresh juice. Apple juice / Beet juice can be consumed but only 20-30 ml twice daily.

Don't consume juices of other sour fruits. Don't consume too much fiber like Psyllium (Isabgol) If it suits you then it's ok, but in most of the cases, it doesn't suit. Do not consume too much fiber like Papaya or mangoes. Pears are ok like apples. Just consume pears only in moderation. Coconut water is perfect. Drink 1 fresh coconut water everyday in 2 divided doses.

  •         Merc sol
  •         Nux vomica
  •         Merc cor
  •         Phosphorus
  •         Aloe Socotrina
  •         Nitric Acid
  •          Colchicum Autumnale

For more details. 
Muhammad Ahmed Homeopathic Clinic
Hcomeopathic Dr Muhammad Maqbool Ahmad
9am to 5pm
Contact # 0345-5542708
Tumair Islamabad. Pakistan.