Monday 29 April 2019

Homeopathic Medicine For Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative Colitis Top Homeopathy Medicine

Ulcerative colitis have serious physical, mental and psychological impact on one's health and personality. People are looking for answers - Is there any Homeopathy cure for ulcerative colitis?

I have seen many patients start suffering from depression, stop working, lose their jobs, can't travel and lead normal lives if they suffer from ulcerative colitis.

The problems of loose stools, bleeding with stools, drop by drop or occult bleeding, dark stools, frothy stools with mucus and painful cramps in abdomen, wind, dyspepsia, are the symptoms described in ancient text of homeopathy for this problem of inflammatory condition of the bowel.

What Actually Happens To Colon - Modern View?

According to modern medicine, the cause of ulcerative colitis is unknown. If the cause is unknown then how can we treat it? So the disease is listed as incurable disease in modern allopathic text books.

Many books quote it's an auto-immune disease i.e. when our own Immunity starts to attack our own digestive tract. Our own army becomes our enemy. So what do you do in this situation? Kill our own army with Immunosuppressants like Azathioprine etc. or stop the fighting ( inflammation ) between Antibodies ( our immunity ) and antigens ( unknown enemy) with Steroids ?

The other drugs like Mesalazine ( 5 Amino Salicylic acid) with brand names Asacol, Mesacol, Pentasa, Lialda, Apriso are given for life long. This is also an acidic drug and can cause serious side effects like kidney disease, nausea, diarrhea, pain abdomen, bone marrow depression ( leukopenia, neutropenia, agranulocytosis, aplastic anemia, low platelets ), hair loss, rashes, drug induced fever, interstitial nephritis, nephrotic syndrome ( This list is taken from Wikipedia ) –

Steroids have their own side effects and they may cause diabetes, disturbance of hormonal axis, bone loss, muscle loss, redistribution of fats ( round face ), severe weakness and many more. Mesalazine enemas are also given sometimes.

These are temporary measures to stop the bleeding for a while but as soon as you stop the drugs like Mesalazine (Asacol, Pentasa or Mesacol) the bleeding starts again.

Homeopathic View Of Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s Disease And Inflammatory Bowel Diseases

These are all curable with difficulty as per Homeopathic texts. When a text says it's curable, that means it's curable. So all depends upon the homeopathic doctor, medicines he uses, his management skills, patient compliance, how strictly the patient follows the doctor's advice and make some dietary changes. When the book says it's curable, that means it's curable.

Anyway, in my clinical practice, I have seen many patients getting completely cured rather than going into remission. My patients are free from allopathic drugs for ulcerative colitis.

What I mean to say is that the patients are getting cured !

I urge all the allopathic doctors, the governments to take necessary steps to popularize Homeopathic medicine to help as many patients as possible. At present, I don't have big funding for free clinical trials to establish the truth but I am seeing it every day happening in my clinic and I am happy about it.

Why Homeopathy For Ulcerative Colitis?

·        Homeopathic medicine reduced the fermentation, acid formation in the intestines and the astringent property helps to heal the ulcers. We have seen patients with huge ulcers getting healed using these homeopathic medicine.

·        Homeopathic medicine have wound healing, astringent and bitter properties which help to heal the ulcers, stop bleeding.

·        Homeopathic medicine is good for intestine, as well as improving overall energy levels.

·        Another homeopathic medicine, Justicia which originally used for bleeding while coughing and dyspnoea but it is good for internal bleeding as well and has remarkable ulcer healing properties.
·        Wonderful homeopathic medicine, Halorrhena anti-dysentrica is known to stop diarrhea and dysentery of any type, which can be infective diarrhea or E.coli, or due to IBD or Colitis.

·        About 70 % of the patients get relieved of the symptoms within first 45 days of using homeopathy medicine. The diet also plays an important role in getting rid of the disease.

Role Of Diet In Ulcerative Colitis

Diet is very important method of healing the ulcers and getting rid of toxins, stop the ongoing fermentation in the intestines. As per Research at Aura Homeopathy Clinic, endotoxins produced in intestines can behave as antigens and the body reacts to them and tries to kill or neutralize them and in the process damages the intestines. Intestinal mucous is a sticky material. It sticks to intestines, blocks the channels and blocks the flow of energies in the body. Patient feels lethargic, weak, stiff and tired with feverish feeling.


The best diet for Ulcerative colitis is stop consuming Milk, Cheese, Lassi (Butter milk).

Although most of the texts recommend buttermilk, But I have observed that approx. 50 % of the patients do not respond well to butter milk but 50 % of the patients respond well to buttermilk , Chachh or lassi. The butter milk should be prepared with Cumin seed water + Fennel Seed decoction or water. Then it has been found to be useful but usually I ask patients to stop consuming Buttermilk / Lassi  and Milk and Cheese.

Sour fruits - Please don't consume Sour fruits like lemons, Citrus juices, oranges or mosami, kiwi and Pineapples. The tomatoes are also not recommended. Vinegar is really dangerous for ulcerative colitis patients.

Spices - Spices like Ginger, Garlic, Chillies are not recommended. Black pepper can be consumed in moderation with food. Black Peppers can also be consume in moderation along with food.

Sweets - Sugar is not recommended at all.

Juices - All Packaged juices should be stopped immediately.

Fresh Juices - Pure pomegranate juice - 50 ml twice daily is recommended. Rather it is mandatory to be taken twice daily. Green grass juice - 10 ml once daily, Coriander leaves juice- 5 ml once daily or Marigold petals juice - 5 ml once daily is very good to stop bleeding. Rose petals juice 5 ml once daily is good. Just squeeze the petals in a clean cloth and take out the fresh juice. Apple juice / Beet juice can be consumed but only 20-30 ml twice daily.

Don't consume juices of other sour fruits. Don't consume too much fiber like Psyllium (Isabgol) If it suits you then it's ok, but in most of the cases, it doesn't suit. Do not consume too much fiber like Papaya or mangoes. Pears are ok like apples. Just consume pears only in moderation. Coconut water is perfect. Drink 1 fresh coconut water everyday in 2 divided doses.

  •         Merc sol
  •         Nux vomica
  •         Merc cor
  •         Phosphorus
  •         Aloe Socotrina
  •         Nitric Acid
  •          Colchicum Autumnale

For more details. 
Muhammad Ahmed Homeopathic Clinic
Hcomeopathic Dr Muhammad Maqbool Ahmad
9am to 5pm
Contact # 0345-5542708
Tumair Islamabad. Pakistan. 

1 comment:

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