Saturday 23 June 2018

Myocardial Ischemia

Myocardial Ischemia and Homeopathic medicines
دل کی شریانوں کی بندش کا ھومیو پیتھک علاج 

یہ نسخہ دل ھی نہیں جسم کی تمام شریانوں کی بندش کو ختم کرکے بائی پاس آپریشن کی ضرورت سے مریض کو پوری طرح بے نیاز کردیتا ھے

محرم  نہیں ھے تو ھی  نوا ھائے  راز کا 
یاں ورنہ جو حجاب ھے پردہ ھے ساز کا

آپ کا دل طاقت کا ایک انمول سرچشمہ ہے۔ جو کہ ھر ایک منٹ میں 5 سے 6 گیلن (20 سے 25 لیٹر) خون آپ کے پورے جسم میں پہنچاتا ھے دل کی بیماریوں کو سمجھنے کے لئے ضروری ھے کہ پہلے ہم یہ سمجھیں کہ دل کام کیسے کرتا ھے دل بھی جسم کے دوسرے پٹھوں کی طرح پٹھوں کا ایک مجموعہ ھے اور اس کو بھی اپنا کام کرنے کے لئے خون، آکسیجن اور قوت بخش غذاکی ضرورت ھو تی ھے۔

دل ایک دن میں تقریباً ایک لاکھ مرتبہ دھڑکتا ھے اور جسم کے خون کے گردشی نظام کو خون پہنچاتا ھے۔ خون کا ھر دور آپ کے پھپڑوں سے تازہ آکسیجن اور جسم کے لئے ضروری مقوی غذا جسم کے ہر گوشے اور ہر خلیے تک پہنچاتا ھے۔ واپسی پر خون اپنے ساتھ ہر خلیے سے نکلا ھو ا فضلہ جیسے کاربن ڈائی آکسائیڈ کو خلیوں سے دور لے جاتا ھے۔ یہ وہ عمل ہے جس کے بغیر ہمارا زندہ رہنا ناممکن ھے۔

دل کے مرض کی سب سے اہم علامت درد دل ھے یہ درد اتنا شدید ہوتا ھے کہ تڑپا کے رکھ دیتا ھے جیسے دل کو آرے سے چیرا جائے، جیسے مٹھی میں لے کر دبایا جائے، جیسے کوئی گرم انگارہ دل پر رکھ دیا جائے، درد چھاتی کے درمیان میں سے ھوتا ھے، چلنے پھرنے سے درد میں اضافہ ھوتا ھے، ۔سانس لینے میں دشواری ھوتی ھے، ۔ٹھنڈے پسینے آنے لگتے ھیں،  بے قراری،  گھبراہٹ،  کمزوری،  پریشانی اپنی انتہا تک چلے جاتے ھیں، چھاتی میں محسوس ھونے والا یہ جان لیوا درد عام طور پر ناگہانی طور پر شروع ہوتا ھے اور پھر بڑھتا جاتا ھے، بنیادی طور پر یہ دل کو خون مہیا کرنے والی شریانوں کی بندش ھے دل پورے جسم میں خون سپلائی کرتا ھے اس سپلائی میں بندش یا رکاوٹ کو دل کا دورہ کہتے ھیں۔

دل کی بیماری کیا ھے ؟ دل کی بیماریاں اس وقت شروع ھوتی ھیں جب کولیسٹرول، چربی، اور چونا (کیلشیم) خون کی نالیوں (شریانوں) میں جمنا شروع ھو جاتا ھے۔ کولیسٹرول، چربی اور کیلشیم کے جمنے سے دل کو خون فراہم کرنے والی شریانوں میں خون کے گذرنے کا راستہ تنگ ھوجاتا ھے، اور دل کو مناسب مقدار میں آکسیجن نہیں مل پاتی،  دل کو آکسیجن کی یہ کمی سینے میں درد کا باعث بنتی ھے اور اس کو انجائنا بھی کہتے ھیں دل کی بیماری اور ھارٹ اٹیک دل کو خون فراہم کرنے والی شریانوں میں رکاوٹ دراصل ہارٹ اٹیک کا سبب بنتی ھے۔

جب دل کو خون فراہم کرنے والی شریانوں میں کولیسٹرول، چربی، اور چونا (کیلشیم) کے جمنے سے رکاوٹ اس انتہا کو پہنچ جائے کہ وہ شریانوں می ٹوٹ پھوٹ اور شکستگی پیدا کر دے، تو یہ رکاوٹ دل کو خون فراہم کرنے والی شریانوں میں خون کے خلیوں کے جمنے کا سبب بن جاتی ھے خون کے یہ منجمد ذرے دل کے پٹھوں کو خون کی فراہمی بند کر دیتے ہیں دل کے پٹھوں کو خون کی فراہمی کا رکنا ھی ھارٹ اٹیک کا موجب بن جاتا ھے اس کا سب سے خطرناک پہلو یہ ھے کہ اچانک دل کی دھڑکن کا رک جانا جو موت کا سبب بن سکتا ھے

دل کے دورے سے خود کو محفوظ رکھنے کے لیے چند احتیاطی تدابیر، مثلاََ صحت مند یا متوازن غذا کا استعمال کریں، تمباکو نوشی چھوڑ دیں، بلکہ ھر قسم کا نشہ چھوڑ دیں، اپنے وزن کو ایک مناسب حد تک برقرار رکھنے کی ھر ممکن کوشش کریں، اس کے لیے ورزش کریں، موٹاپا آج کل دنیا بھر میں ایک بڑھتا ھوا مسئلہ ھے جس سے بڑی تعداد میں لوگ اس مرض میں مبتلا ہیں۔ یاد رھے کہ موٹے افراد امراض قلب کے لیے آسان شکار ھیں اپنے دل کا خیال رکھیں اپنے آپ کے لیے اپنے چاہنے والوں کے لیے کیونکہ دل صحت مند ھوگا توزندگی خوشحال ھوگی

ھومیوپیتھک علاج :-

ھومیوپیتھک دوا ہیما میلس(Hamamalis Vir 200)  


ھومیوپیتھک دوا آرنیکا مونٹینا (Arnica Montana 3) یا (Arnica Montana 6x)

ھومیوپیتھک دوا آرنیکا، انجائنا (Angina)، دل میں چبھنے والے دردوں (stitches in heart)، کمزور اور بے قاعدہ چلنے والی نبض (feeble and irregular beats)، غشی (collapse)، قلبی استسقا (cardiac dropsy)، خون پتلا کرنے والی دوا (blood thinner) کے حوالے سے کامیاب دوا ھے، بھارت کے ممتاز ھومیوپیتھک ڈاکٹر اے یو راما کرشنا جو بھارتی صدر کے ھومیوپیتھک فزیشن بھی ھیں وہ اپنے دل کے مریضوں کو ھمیشہ آرنیکا 6x کی پوٹینسی میں استعمال کراتے اور اسپرین کا نعم البدل سمجھتے ھیں اور جو ضمنی اثرات (side effects)اسپرین میں ھیں وہ آرنیکا میں نہیں اور یوں آرنیکا کا استعمال دل کے مریضوں میں انکا برسوں پرانا اور کامیاب معمول رھا ھے 

دونوں دواؤں کے تین تین قطرے ایک گلاس پانی میں ملا کر ناشتے اور کھانے سے قبل یا بعد صبح اور رات میں استعمال کریں

ھومیوپیتھک دوا میگنیشیا فاسفوریکم (Magnesium Phosphoricum 6x) کی چار چار ٹیبلیٹس روزانہ کھانے اور ناشتے سے آدھا گھنٹہ قبل چوس کر چبا کر آدھا گلاس نیم گرم پانی پی لیں، میگنیشیا فاسفوریکم انجائنا کو ھمیشہ کے لئے ختم کردیتی ھے، صرف چند مہینے مستقل مزاجی سے استعمال کریں اور انجائنا کو ھمیشہ کے لئے بھول جائیں، یہ دوا ھر اس موقع پر استعمال ضرورکریں جہاں آپ زبان کے نیچے رکھنے والی ٹیبلٹ استعمال کرتے ھیں یہ اسکی بہترین نعم البل دوا ھے اس لئے دل کے مریض اس دوا کی شیشی ھر وقت اپنی پاکٹ میں رکھیں 

ھومیوپیتھک دوا کریٹیگس (Crataegus Q) 
بلڈ پریشر اور شریانوں میں موجود چربیلے مواد (fatty deposits) کو تحلیل کرنے کے لئے دس دس قطرے صبح شام ایک گلاس نیم گرم پانی میں ملا کر ناشتے اور کھانے سے قبل یا بعد استعمال کریں, تمام دوائیں نہ سہی لیکن کریٹیگس جرمنی ساختہ کوالٹی کے اعتبار سے سب سے بہتر ھے، خالص اور عمدہ کریٹیگس ٹنکچر رنگت میں سرخ ھوتا ھے   

ھائی بلڈ پریشر کی صورت میں ھومیوپیتھک دوا لیکیسس (Lachesis 200) کے تین قطرے 48 گھنٹوں یا دو دن میں ایک بار یعنی ایک دن استعمال اور دوسرے دن ناغہ (on alternate days) ایک گلاس پانی میں ملا کر استعمال کریں

اگر کبھی ھائی، کبھی لو والی صورت حال ھو تو یہی لیکسس دوا استعمال ھوگی پوری طرح صحت مند ھونے تک 

لو یا نارمل بلڈ پریشر کی صورت میں ھومیوپیتھک دوا بوتھراپس (Bothrops Lanceolatus 200) کے تین قطرے ایک گلاس پانی میں ملا کر ھفتے میں ایک بار استعمال کریں 

ھومیوپیتھک دوا ڈیجیٹالس (Digitalis 30) 

Cardiac Dysrhythmia  (دل کی بے قاعدہ دھڑکنیں) کی صورت میں، دل کی بے قاعدہ دھڑکنوں سے مراد دل کی دھڑکنوں کی وہ کیفیت ھے کہ جس میں دل کی دو دھڑکنوں کا درمیانی وقفہ کبھی کم کبھی زیادہ ھوتا ھے  اور یہ کیفیت دل کے ھر مریض میں نہیں پائی جاتی، صرف اس صورت میں اس دوا کے تین تین قطرے صبح شام پانی میں ملا کر استعمال کریں جب یہ شکایت موجود ھو ورنہ اس دوا کو استعمال نہ کریں اور یہ ھر دل کے مریض کے لئے نہیں ھے 

یہاں یہ عرض کرتے چلیں کہ یہ دل کی شریانوں کی بندش کا مکمل علاج ھے یعنی دل کی شریانوں کی بندش دور کرنے کے ساتھ ساتھ  یہی ادویات خون کو پتلا کرنے، دردوں کو دور کرنے، ھائی یا لو بلڈ پریشر سے پوری طرح محفوظ رکھنے اور دل اور دوران خون کے حوالے سے ھر طرح کے خطرات سے محفوظ رکھنے کی تمام خصوصیات اپنے اندر رکھتا ھے اسکی موجودگی میں دل کی بیماریوں کے حوالے سے مزید کسی دوا کی ضرورت نہیں رھتی

یہ تاثر انتہائی گمراہ کن اور کاروباری ھے کہ اگر آپ دل کی تکلیفات میں مبتلا ھوگئے تو اب آپ کو ساری زندگی کم از سات آٹھ  دواؤں کے سہارے گزارنا ھوگی اس علاج کے بعد آپ کو چکنائی اور مرغن غذاؤں سے پرہیز ضرور کرنا ھوگا نہ کہ آپ ساری زندگی دوائیں پھانکنے پر مجبور ھونگے

یاد رکھیں کہ جسم ایک کھیتی کی مانند ھے اور شریانیں اس کھیتی کے لئے ایک نہری نظام ھے
جب شریانیں بند ھوجاتی ھیں توخون کی بندش جس مقام پر واقع ھوتی ھے اس سے اگلے حصے کے  خلیات خون کی سپلائی بند ھوجانے کے سبب مردہ ھوجاتے ھیں اور جوں ھی شریانوں کی بندش ختم ھوتی ھے یہ مردہ خلیات دوبارہ زندہ اور متحرک ھوجاتے ھیں چونکہ کسی اور طریقہ علاج میں شریانوں کی بندش دور کرنے کے لئے کوئی معقول علاج نہیں اس لئے وہ مریضوں کو مایوس کن مستقبل سے ڈراتے رھتے ھیں اور مریضوں کا خوف کے مارے دم نکلتا رھتا ھے

غذا میں انار، امرود، آلو بخارے، لیموں،  کسی بھی پھل فروٹ کا بنا ھوا دیسی اصلی سرکہ (natural vinegar)، تل کا تیل (sesame seeds oil) اور شہد (honey) دل کے مریضوں کے لئے غیر معمولی فوائد رکھنے والی غذائیں ھیں 

جو لوگ اس علاج سے فائدہ اٹھانا چاھتے ھیں وہ ھر طرح کی ادویات ترک کرکے ان دواؤں سے بھرپور نتائج حاصل کرسکتے ھیں، اگر پہلے سے جاری دواؤں کا ترک کرنا فوری طور پر ممکن نہیں تو دونوں قسم کی دواؤں کا استعمال بیک شروع کردیں اورپہلے سے استعمال ھونے والی دواؤں میں سے ھر مہینے ایک دوا ترک کرتے جائیں اور بتدریج تمام دوائیں ترک کرکے پھر ان ھومیوپیتھک دواؤں کو مزید پورے چھ مہینے استعمال کریں، اس علاج کا بڑا فائدہ یہ ھوگا کہ یہ ساری زندگی استعمال کرنے والی دوائیں نہیں، پوری طرح صحت مند ھونے کے بعد مزید استعمال کی ضرورت نہیں ھوگی

یاد رکھیں مندرجہ بالا بیان کردہ دوائیں دل کے علاج معالجے کے حوالے سے ایک مکمل پروٹوکول ھے اور آپ دل کی بیماریوں کے حوالے سے چھ مہینوں کی عارضی مدت کے لئے مریض ھیں قربانی کا جانور نہیں کہ ادھرکسی نے چھری دکھائی ادھر سر تسلیم خم کیا اور ذبح ھوگئے  

دل کے حوالے سے کسی بھی ایمرجنسی یا دل کے دورے میں آورم آرسنکم (Aurum arsenicum 200) اور Arnica Montana 200 دو سب سے کامیاب آزمودہ دوائیں ھیں جو ھزاروں مریضوں پر ایمرجنسی میں کامیابی سے استعمال ھوتی رھی ھیں 

طریقہ استعمال یہ ھے کہ پہلے آپ آرنیکا کے تین قطرے فوری طور پر منہ میں ٹپکا دیں اور پھر آدھے گھنٹے بعد آورم آرسنکم کے تین قطرے منہ میں براہ راست ٹپکا دیں اور اسی طرح دونوں دواؤں کو ایک دوسرے کے بعد آدھے آدھے گھنٹے سے استعمال کرتے جائیں 

ابتدائی پانچ منٹس میں ھی مریض کی حالت میں فو

For more details. 
Muhammad Ahmed Homeopathic Clinic
Hcomeopathic Dr Muhammad Maqbool Ahmad
9am to 5pm
Contact # 0345-5542708

Tumair Islamabad. Pakistan. 

Friday 22 June 2018




A nervouse disorder,charecterrized by invoulentry movements of the voluntary muscles and frequently complicated by acute endocarditis

Historical note

Chorea means dance
In the middle ages the dancing mania was supossed to be cured by a pilgrimage to the shrine of st.Vitus


Chorea is found most often in childhood from the 5 to 15 year,Girls are more offen affected than boy
Its seems to run many families
Nervous emotionall children seem to be more prone to it ,some time fright ,sudden greif or some other profound emotional disturbance will bring it on

Morbid Anatomy and pathology

There are no pathological conditions common to every case
The idea that is an infectious disease base been had been advanced on theorectical grounds only endocardititis is the mist common lesion found

Some thought it due to emboli

It is usually concsiderd a functional nervouse disease


Prodromal symptoms rarely occurs
When they di they are very identifineand consist mostly of a depression of spirits and an irritability of temper

Usually the invoulantry motions are the first things noted,these come on gradually,There
Is a twitching here and there .There is lack of co ordination,the patient drop things from the hands or stumbles in his walk The arms and legs are thrown about or hang limp.
The muscles of the face may be involved,The muscles of articulation may be involved and speech stammering ,jerky or impossible.

One side of the body may be worse than the other,one of my casis let her right arm hang limp,and dragged her right foot so as to wear off the toe of her shoe in a very few days,she was naturly right handed but for several weeks had no control over that hand at all

Complications and sequelae

End Oscar duties must be always be watched out for,Arthritis may develop
Diagnosis This
Is usually easy ,


Mentek or medical quiet must be insisted on.
The child should be taken out of school.
Many casis have cleared by homeopathic remedies
Zincum met 200,30

Is very useful for chorea
Paun ko musalsal barkat dyta rehtta hy patient
Khas kar raat soty mai b,
Dar khuf ki wajha sy

Ignasia 30,200
Emotional problems Ku wajha sy sy chorea ho

Cuperum met 30,200
Soty hovy araam lakin jagty hi hathun paun sy involentry movement start


Chorea  jis sy pehly patient rotta hy
Sir par hath bjaye
Handy aor khudh tabah

Nux vomica
Rerh ka chorea
By dhangii chal


Right side ziada affected ho
Tongue legs aor SB jism mutasir ho
Patient bol b nhe saktaaa
Musalsal apni position badly jb bed py ho

Bacha chalna sekhy tou gir gir Jaen

Mygail 30,200

Agaricus 30,200
Damagi chorea
Eye movement involentry
Extremities opposite sides chorea mean oper hath right chorea mai ho leg left hogi

Tarentolla 30,200

Right sided mostly affected
Walking difficulty but tuning easily
Cimicifuga 30,200

Back bone ki sweling
Date band hony
Ki wajha sy chorea

Ferum ars 30,200
Khoon ki kmi sy chorea


Left sided chrea
Jo tofaan sy ziada ho

Avena stiva 3o,200

Aged logo ka chorea

Visicum Album200
Chorea with virtigo

Bazun thandy kanpy aor numbness
Dant pisy
Khany peny sy symptoms ziada hon

Lauroserasus 30,200

Arsl Alb 30,200
According to symptoms

For more details. 
Muhammad Ahmed Homeopathic Clinic
Hcomeopathic Dr Muhammad Maqbool Ahmad
9am to 5pm
Contact # 0345-5542708

Tumair Islamabad. Pakistan. 



The Top Homeopathic medicines for keloids are Thiosinaminum, Graphites, Silicea, Nitric Acid, Fluoric Acid, Causticum, Calendula and Thuja

*Thiosinaminum*: One of the Best Homeopathic treatment for Keloids

*Thiosinaminum* is one of the most effective Homeopathic medicines to treat Keloids. This natural Homeopathic remedy is very strong and powerful enough to dissolve the scar tissue. It can be prescribed for the treatment of all kinds of Keloids irrespective of the cause. The use of Homeopathic medicine Thiosinaminum is totally free from side effects.


One of the best Homeopathic Medicines for Keloids in early stage

*Graphites* is a Homeopathic medicine of great help for the early stage of Keloid formation. Graphites acts very effectively in the very beginning of Keloid formation to absorb the scar tissue and dissolve the Keloid. Homeopathic remedy Graphites puts a halt in the progression of Keloid, followed by its complete disappearance.


One of the Best Homeopathic medicines for Keloids that are Painful

*Silicea* is an excellent natural Homeopathic medicine to deal with Keloids that are painful. Silicea has a great power to decrease the pain and dissolve the unnecessary cicatricial tissue resulting in formation of Keloids. Silicea is one of the top Homeopathic medicines for keloids having an affinity for treating a variety of skin diseases. In addition to painful Keloids, excessive offensive sweat on feet and sensitivity towards cold air may be present.

*Nitric Acid*: 

One of the top Homeopathic medicines for Keloids with sharp,  splinter-like pain

A few patients having Keloids may also have sharp pains that feel like splinters and Nitric Acid is the most appropriate natural Homeopathic remedy for such patients. The Keloid looks irregular in shape and is often jagged in appearance. A very peculiar feature for using Homeopathic medicine Nitric Acid is highly offensive urine.

*Fluoric Acid*: 

One the Top Grade Homeopathic Medcines for Keloids with Itching

Homeopathic medicine Fluoric Acid is the best natural mode of treatment for Keloids that itch. The itching disappears following the use of Fluoric Acid. Side by side, the Keloid also begins to shrink with the use of Homeopathic remedy Fluoric Acid. The itching may get worse by heat.


Best Homeopathic medicine for Keloid formation on scars due to burns

*Causticum* ranks as the top natural Homeopathic medicine for Keloid formation following burns. It works well in treatment of both Keloid formation soon after burns and when old burn scars resurface and re-freshen, leading to Keloid formation.


Homeopathic medicine for Keloid formation after traumatic and surgical injuries

*Calendula* is one of the top Homeopathic medicines in treating skin injury cases. This natural Homeopathic remedy can be used in all cases of Keloids that have formed following skin injuries either due to accidental trauma or cuts from surgical operations. Calendula can also act as a preventive Homeopathic medicine against Keloid formation with the application of Calendula tincture over the affected traumatic side as soon as possible. In such cases, Homeopathic remedy Calendula makes sure to heal the wound by first intention with least possible scar tissue formation. The scar disappears on its own and there is no chance of its overgrowth.


Homeopathic medicine for Keloid formation at vaccination sites

An ideal Homeopathic medicine for treating Keloids at vaccination sites is Thuja. This natural Homeopathic remedy is very beneficial as a cure for Keloids that are formed at vaccination sites

For more details. 
Muhammad Ahmed Homeopathic Clinic
Hcomeopathic Dr Muhammad Maqbool Ahmad
9am to 5pm
Contact # 0345-5542708

Tumair Islamabad. Pakistan. 


Common Cold (Homeopathy)

Arsenicum album

A person who has frequent colds, sore throats, and chest problems-with burning pain and feelings of weakness, restlessness, and anxiety-may benefit from this remedy. The person's head may feel hot while the rest of the body is cold, and problems can be worse near midnight. The nose often feels stopped up, and the person may sneeze repeatedly, without relief. White, think, burning mucus may be produced.


This remedy relieves high fever of sudden onset with sweating.


Red, watery, irritated eyes, frequent sneezing, and a mild, clear nasal discharge suggests a need for this remedy. The person may cough from irritation and from phlegm collecting in the throat. Symptoms can be worse at night, and the person tends to feel better from eating and lying down.

Natrum muriaticum

Colds with clear nasal discharge like egg-white, sneezing (which is often worse in the morning), headache, and a diminished sense of smell or taste may respond to this remedy. The person may develop cold sores around the mouth, and the lips can be chapped and cracked.

Nux vomica

This relieves spasmodic sneezing in the morning, with a dry nose during the night.


This remedy relieves non-irritant yellowish nasal discharge with a dry nose at night that becomes runny during the day, and loss of smell and taste.

Other Remedies

Aconitum napellus

This remedy relieves high fever of sudden onset, with a hot face and dry skin, especially after exposure to intense cold.

Allium cepa

This relieves spasmodic sneezing and runny nose with an irritating, watery discharge, improved by fresh air.

Baryta carbonica

This remedy is indicated for people who frequently catch colds from getting chilled. A runny nose and swollen upper lip, swollen lymph nodes, tonsils, and adenoids are typical symptoms. This remedy is often helpful to children who are bashful and slow to develop.


When a person comes down with a cold after getting wet and chilled, or if colds come on when the weather changes, this remedy should come to mind. A stopped-up nose and face pain are likely. A person who needs Dulcamara also tends to have allergies.

Ferrum phosphoricum

This remedy relieves low-grade fever with weakness and tendency to nosebleeds and earaches.


Lethargy and aching, with headache and droopy eyes, often indicate this remedy. Fever and chills run up and down the spine, and heat or pressure may be felt in the face and nose. A person who needs Gelsemium often trembles and is shaky, or feels extremely dull. This remedy is often helpful for colds that come on in hot weather.

Hydrastis canadensis

This remedy relieves thick nasal discharge that irritates the throat.

Kali bichromicum

This helps relieve thick, greenish, irritating nasal discharge.

Kali iodatum

This remedy relieves runny nose with acrid watery discharge, with pain at the base of the nose.

Kali muriaticum

This helps relieve ear congestion with cracking sounds in the ear, worsened by the change in pressure.

Mercurius solubilis

A person who needs this remedy is extremely sensitive to temperatures, and experiences night sweats and drooling during sleep. Swollen lymph nodes and bad breath are other indications. The person's nose may feel raw, and the tonsils or ears often become infected.


A person whose colds go easily to the chest often responds to this remedy. One nostril may be blocked while the other runs. Hoarseness, laryngitis, and nosebleeds are other likely symptoms. The person often is thirsty for cold drinks and feels better from massage. People who need this remedy often feel weak, "spaced out," and anxious or fearful when ill.

Rhus toxicodendron

If a cold begins with stiffness and body aches, especially during cool damp weather or weather changes, and leads to nasal congestion or sore throat, this remedy should come to mind. The person feels extremely restless and often paces or fidget. Warmth and motion bring relief, both physically and mentally.

Sulphur iodatum

This remedy relieves lingering symptoms (cough, nasal congestion) after a severe cold or flu.

For more details. 
Muhammad Ahmed Homeopathic Clinic
Hcomeopathic Dr Muhammad Maqbool Ahmad
9am to 5pm
Contact # 0345-5542708

Tumair Islamabad. Pakistan. 



.............Psoriasis is an insusceptible interceded illness that influences the skin. It is commonly a long lasting condition. The name psoriasis is from the Greek dialect, significance harshly "tingling condition" (psora "tingle" + -sis "activity, condition"). There is as of now no cure, however different medications can serve to control the manifestations. Psoriasis happens when the resistant framework mix ups an ordinary skin unit for a pathogen, and conveys broken indicators that reason overproduction of new skin cells. It is not infectious. Psoriasis has been joined to an expanded danger of stroke and treating high blood lipid levels might accelerate change. There are five sorts of psoriasis: plaque, guttate, opposite, pustular, and erythrodermic. The most well-known structure, plaque psoriasis, is ordinarily seen as red and white shades of layered fixes showing up on the top first layer of the epidermis (skin). A few patients, however, have no dermatological signs or manifestations. In plaque psoriasis, skin quickly amasses at these locales, which gives it a shimmering white presence. Plaques oftentimes happen on the skin of the elbows and knees, however can influence any zone, incorporating the scalp, palms of hands and soles of feet, and privates. Rather than skin inflammation, psoriasis is less averse to be discovered on the external side of the joint. The confusion is an endless repeating condition that shifts in intensity from minor restricted fixes to finish figure scope. Fingernails and toenails are much of the time influenced (psoriatic nail dystrophy) and might be seen as a confined sign. Psoriasis can likewise cause irritation of the joints, which is regarded as psoriatic joint pain. Between 10% and 30% of all individuals with psoriasis additionally have psoriatic joint pain. The explanation for psoriasis is not completely comprehended, yet it is accepted to have a hereditary part and neighborhood psoriatic progressions could be triggered by a damage to the skin reputed to be the Koebner wonder. Different natural elements have been inferred as disturbing to psoriasis, incorporating oxidative anxiety, push, withdrawal of systemic corticosteroid, and other ecological components, however few have demonstrated measurable essentialness. There are numerous medications accessible, yet due to its incessant repetitive nature, psoriasis is a challenge to treat. Journal of Clinical & Experimental Dermatology Research facilitates the readers to go through a wide range of articles on Psoriasis. Perusing through the articles, dermatologists and all other health awareness experts working in the field of dermatology can get to persistent redesigns that may help them to enhance the nature of consideration and the conclusion for patients.                              

       Pathology of Psoriasis-

Psoriasis is an immune-mediated (or autoimmune) disorder that occurs when immune cells known as T lymphocytes, or T cells, attack healthy skin cells in both the nonvascular horny outer layer of the skin and its deeper vascular layer. This attack causes the life span of the skin cells to shorten to about 3 to 5 days (skin cells normally live about 20 to 28 days) and forces the cells to reproduce more rapidly than normal.                                                         Triggers:

Infections, such as strep throat or thrush
Injury to the skin, such as a cut or scrape, bug bite, or a severe sunburn
Cold weather
Heavy alcohol consumption
Certain medications — including lithium, which is prescribed for bipolar disorder; high blood pressure medications such as beta blockers; antimalarial drugs; and iodides.                                                        

       Complications of Psoriasis–

Thickened skin and bacterial skin infections caused by scratching in an attempt to relieve severe itching
Fluid and electrolyte imbalance in the case of severe pustular psoriasis
Low self-esteem
Social isolation
There is a greater risk of metabolic syndrome, a cluster of conditions that include high blood pressure and elevated insulin levels; inflammatory bowel disease; cardiovascular disease; and, possibly, cancer.

The Major complication is Psoriatic Arthritis:

Psoriatic arthritis is a chronic disease characterized by a form of inflammation of the skin (psoriasis) and joints (inflammatory arthritis).

It features patchy, raised, red areas of skin inflammation with scaling. Psoriasis often affects the tips of the elbows and knees, the scalp and ears, the navel, and around the genital areas or anus.                              

   Homeopathic Medicines of Psoriasis-

(1)Arsenic Album – 

excellent psoriasis remedy in which psoriasis, worse by cold application and wetness, better by warmth.

(2)Kali Brom – 

remarkable psoriasis remedy in which there is syphilitic psoriasis. Skin cold, blue, spotted corrugated, large, indolent, painful pustules.

(3)Thyrodinum –

 one of the best psoriasis remedy for chilly and anemic subjects. Dry impoverished skin; cold hands and feet.

(4)Radium Brom – 

psoriasis of penis, itching eruptions on face oozing, Patchy erythema on forehead.

(5)Apis mellifica —

 for skin rashes that feel hot and dry and are sensitive to touch. Symptoms improve with cool baths and worsen with heat. This remedy is most appropriate for individuals who often feel sad, disappointed, or even depressed. They tend to cry easily but may also be irritable and envious by nature.

(6)Calendula –– 

used topically, particularly if the affected area becomes inflamed. This remedy will soothe but not cure the skin condition.

(7)Rhus toxicodendron — 

used for psoriatic arthritis and for skin disorders accompanied by intense itching that worsens at night and improves with the application of heat. This remedy is most appropriate for individuals who are generally restless and unable to get comfortable at night.

(8)Sulphur — 

for skin disorders that are accompanied by intense itching. This remedy is most appropriate for individuals who are thirsty, irritable when not feeling well, uninspired and messy under ordinary circumstances, and who describe a sensation of internal heat and burning. Symptoms tend to improve with open, cold air and worsen with warmth.

(9)Kali Arsenicosum–

 Kali Arsenicosum has marked action on skin disorders like eczema, psoriasis and ulcers. There is dry, scaly eruptions with itching worse from warmth, walking and undressing. It is also useful in chronic eczema. There are fissures in bends of arms and knees. There are numerous small nodules under the skin. Intolerable itching worse while undressing in psoriasis.

(10)Kali Sulphuricum- 

Kali Sulphuricum has marked action on psoriasis. There are burning, itching, papular eruptions. Skin is dry, hot and burning. Itchy eruptions in nettle rash in children. Kali Sulph also helps in seborrhoea or dandruff and ringworm of scalp or beard with abundant scales. Sores on skin with thick, profuse, yellow watery secretion.  

The inflamed joints become painful and swollen and sometimes hot and red.  Joint inflammation in the fingers or toes can cause swelling of the entire digit, giving them the appearance of a cocktail sausage.

Joint stiffness is common and is typically worse early in the morning.

For more details. 
Muhammad Ahmed Homeopathic Clinic
Hcomeopathic Dr Muhammad Maqbool Ahmad
9am to 5pm
Contact # 0345-5542708

Tumair Islamabad. Pakistan. 




Homeopathic Help for Sore and Itchy Skin
Eczema is a widespread and unpleasant condition caused by the skin’s overreaction to common substances such as soap, food and dust. The skin reddens, itches, and becomes dry, scaly or bubbly. Annoyingly, these dry patches of skin may also ooze a watery or sticky fluid. Eczema has the ability to make life miserable for young and old.

How far the rash spreads depends on the person. Some sufferers can be covered head to toe in a painful, weeping rash that requires hospitalisation and wet bandages while others will only have one or two dry spots. Even mild eczema can be highly undesirable. Unsightly rashes on the hands and face are not a great help to one’s social life.

Causes of Eczema

Eczema can be hereditary. If one or both parents had eczema, you are likely to as well. The other risk factor is vaccines. Studies show that those who are vaccinated are more likely to have eczema or a range of other allergies than those who are not.

So, What Can You Do?
If scratching away at dry, red, and cracked skin is a part of your life, why not make the necessary changes that will either reduce or eliminate the problem completely? Removing the triggers will bring rapid relief to the soreness and itching while homoeopathy can help you get to the seat of the problem to deal with it once and for all. The remainder of this article will help you do just that. It will explore the common triggers foreczema, give some self-help tips, and then look at the homeopathic remedies commonly used by homeopaths to treat and clear eczema.

Identifying Common Triggers

Things You Eat: When your immune system sees common food as an invader, eczema will result. Dairy products, cow’s and soy milk baby formulas, seafood, peanuts, sesame seeds, eggs, nuts, acidic fruit, and gluten-containing products made from wheat, rye, barley, and oats are common triggers for anover-sensitive immune system.

Trickily, food may not be the problem at all, but the artificial additives in it. You may have no problem with a cut of steak but a fast food hamburger could be a whole different story.

Environmental Chemicals: 

Modern soaps, skin creams, perfumes, shampoos, conditioners, fabric softeners, paints, dyes, laundry and washing up detergents are anything but safe and gentle. Many chemicals they contain will all worsen eczema. Cigarettes and cigarette smoke is another culprit. To break the habit,Smoke Stop! can help.

Hot and Cold:

 Extremes of temperature irritate eczema, as can humid or very dry air – the much loved air-conditioner may not be man’s best friend after all! Hot showers or baths also act as triggers.

Natural Substances: 

Dust mites; moulds; feathers, pet hair, and dander; and grasses, plants, and pollens are well known allergens (things that produce a reaction). These allergens may be small but really pack a punch with eczema.

Emotional Stress:

 Our emotional health and stability is often reflected on our skin. Over-work, unhappiness, and stress can all worsen eczema.

Self-Help Measures

Avoid woollen and synthetic clothing as both can irritate eczema. Look for natural fibres such as cotton.
Launder new clothes before wearing to remove free-floating dyes and chemicals.
Double-rinse clothes after washing to remove all detergent.
Diets low in essential fatty acids contribute to dry and inflamed skin. Oils such as flaxseed and fish oils are rich in omega 3 fatty acids that reduce inflammation and improve allergies. Add them to your diet.
Soothe your skin with an oatmeal bath. Place a cup of oatmeal into an old stocking and let the water run through it as you fill your bath.
Milk or apple cider vinegar dabbed onto the eczema can soothe the rash and settle the inflammation. Be warned – the apple cider vinegar may sting a little at first.
Honey also relieves the inflammation and any infection. Apply to the affected area and cover.
Organic coconut oil is a gentle and safe alternative to sorbolene cream for dry and sore skin. Sorbolene contains preservatives, emulsifiers, and mineral oil – substances you don’t want to absorb through your skin and which can actually worsen eczema in some people.
Treat your Eczema with Homeopathy
Homeopathic remedies frequently relieve or eradicate eczema – not only for people but animals as well. They are safe to use with babies through to the elderly. Many different remedies can be used depending on the symptoms of the sufferer but some of the main ones are listed below.

It is important to note that while these remedies can be used by yourself at home to safely treat numerous acute problems, eczema is a chronic complaint that should have the careful management of a trained homeopath. If you are not sure of what you are doing, too strong a dose, or too many doses of even the best matching remedy can cause a temporary aggravation of your eczema. While this will not be harmful, it is best avoided.

For good results in the treatment of your eczema, please use the services of a fully qualified homeopath.

Many of the following remedies are found in home-use kits.

Arsenicum Album (Ars)

Key Symptoms: Eczema that itches and burns. Rough, scaly skin. Skin red, as if burnt. Must scratch until skin raw. Worse for: cold. Better for: warmth; warm or hot water.

Supporting Symptoms: Skin hard and parchment-like. Scratching the skin raw improves the itching. Itch worsens as skin heals. Worse for: undressing; cool air; right side.

Other Comments: Those who need Ars. can be anxious about many things, including health, and tend to be restless. Anxiety worsens from midnight to 2 AM. Pains are usually burning in nature while the person can feel chilly in general.

Calcarea Carbonica (Calc-c)

Key Symptoms: Rough, dry skin with a tendency to crack.

Supporting Symptoms: Itching blisters between fingers and in bends of elbows. Bran-like coating on skin. Worse for: water. Better for: scratching.

Other Comments: Those needing Calc-c are often overweight or flabby. They tend to be obstinate and worry about safety or security. They may be anxious about health, flying, insanity, mice, or heights. There can be a love of eggs, ice cream, and milk. Sweat will often occur on the back of the neck.

Graphites (Graph)

Key Symptoms: Eczema that oozes a thick yellow or honey-like discharge. Dry, rough skin or hard, thick skin with cracks. Eczema and cracks behind the ears. Worse for: night; warmth of bed.

Supporting Symptoms: Skin covered by crusts and scales. Eczema and cracks on skin heal slowly. Eczema that leads to asthma especially when suppressed by steroid creams. Eczema worse on the left side of the body.

Comments: Those who need Graphites are often indecisive, prone to depression, and easily affected by small things. They like to think things through slowly and can suffer from obesity. Complaints may be worse on the left side of the body. Chicken is oftena favourite food while salt, sweets, and fish may be disliked. There may be a tendency for keloid scarring.

Medorrhinum (Med)

Key Symptoms: Eczema from birth. Eczema and asthma combined. Itching to the point of bleeding.

Supporting Symptoms: History of bright red nappy rash with a sharply defined rather than speckly border. Better for: being by the sea.

Other Comments: Those who need Medorrhinum are often passionate and full of extremes. They can be either introverted or extroverted, or swing between the two. They come to life at night and frequently bite their nails. Medorrhinum types like to sleep on their stomach and will often get into the knee-chest position to relieve complaints.

Natrum Muriaticum (Nat-m)

Key Symptoms: Eczema with small blisters and intense itching. Blisters weep a watery fluid on scratching and turn to cracks as they dry. Eczema in hair margins or eyebrows.

Supporting Symptoms: Eczema with suppressed emotions or following grief. Eczema where thighs rub, in groin, or between fingers. The skin may be greasy.

Other Comments: Those needing Nat-m are sensitive and easily hurt but may not show it. They often have a strong history of grief or disappointment. Those who need Nat-m.can be serious, self-contained, and prefer to keep to themselves. Headaches and migraines can develop from the heat of the sun. There may be a dislike of slimy food and a liking for bread, pasta, and salty things.

Rhus toxicodendron (Rhus-t)

Key Symptoms: Intensely itchy eczema with frequent oozing. Small blisters that break on scratching and ooze a watery fluid. Rash often on arms, hands or genital region.

Supporting Symptoms: Restlessness with the eczema. Hard, thick skin. Blisters break, crust, and then crack. Rashes that burn and prickle. Worse for: cold air; cold damp weather; getting wet. Better for: running scalding hot water over the eruption.

Other Comments: Those who need Rhus-t will be restless and feel better for motion. Complaints are generally worse for cold and damp weather or environments and better for warmth and dryness. Often there is a love of cold milk. Rhus-t is one of the main remedies needed in the treatment of chickenpox.

Sulphur (Sulph)

Key Symptoms: Intense itching that must be scratched. Scratching to the point of bleeding. Pleasurable scratching. Itch that burns. Redness of rash. Worse for: warmth of the bed; becoming overheated; bathing.

Supporting Symptoms: Moist eczema. Skin has a dirty appearance. Discharge develops an offensive or eggy smell. Worse for: night; perspiration; wool. Better for: cold; cold applications.

Other Comments: One of the most common remedies for eczema. Can be easily confused with Psorinum. Those needing Sulphur can be opinionated and philosophical. They also have a reputation for being messy and lazy.

Psorinum (Psor)

Key Symptoms: Intense itching that must be scratched, sometimes to the point of bleeding. Worse for: night; warmth of the bed.

Supporting Symptoms: Dirty appearance of skin. Eczema behind the ears. Despair and depression with the eczema. Infected eczema. Offensiveness of the eczema or discharge. Generally feel chilly. Better for: warmth.

Other Comments: One of the most common remedies for eczema. Can be easily confused with Sulphur. Those needing Psor. can be anxious and despair of the future. They may be chilly, have a fear of poverty and be anguished at night.

For more details. 
Muhammad Ahmed Homeopathic Clinic
Hcomeopathic Dr Muhammad Maqbool Ahmad
9am to 5pm
Contact # 0345-5542708

Tumair Islamabad. Pakistan. 



...........Often thought of as an unsightly and embarrassing matter, varicose veins are one of many circulatory problems that can contribute to ill health. While they are most common in the legs and feet, varicose veins can appear on different parts of the body, even in the esophagus. What many people don’t realize is that hemorrhoids are also varicose veins, caused by a faulty vascular system.

People who are prone to varicose veins are also prone to other circulatory problems.  When working with a patient, homeopaths pay close attention to common threads or compatibility between the physical, mental and emotional aspects of each person.  Homeopathy recognizes that the mental and physical aspects of an individual are so closely inter-connected that physical ailments cannot be healed without taking into consideration the emotions and the person as a whole.  Hence, the prescribed remedy is a substance that corresponds with all physical symptoms and emotional states combined. In fact, understanding the nature and action of the substance (or remedy) is key to understanding its action on the human organism.

The fascinating parallels between the characteristics of a homeopathic remedy and its manifestations through physical and emotional ailments are the basis for homeopathic prescribing.  The closer the match between patient and prescribed remedy, the quicker the restoration of health.


Varicose veins are veins that have become stretched and pooled with blood, and are swollen and raised above the surface of the skin. They are found most often on the backs of the calves or on the inside of the leg, anywhere from the groin to the ankle. While men can be afflicted with this, varicose veins are more common in women and they tend to be hereditary.

Here is how they come about: The flow of blood starts with the pumping action of your heart. With each beat, the heart pumps blood and circulates it through the arteries. The arteries carry the blood from your heart out to your body, and the veins (which are larger than arteries) carry the blood from your body back to the heart.

The blood leaving through the arteries is full of oxygen, making the blood bright red. The blood returning through the veins is darker in colour, even bluish, because the body parts have used up the oxygen in the blood, hence the reason varicose veins appear blue or purplish.

Veins often show up in the legs, ankles and feet because those body parts are furthest from the heart. Gravity pulls blood down into your legs and feet when you’re standing up or sitting down. As a result, the veins work harder to get that blood back up to the heart, and this causes these veins to wear out faster than others.

Veins have valves that close after the blood passes through, to keep blood moving in one direction. When these valves become weak due to age, hormonal factors (such as puberty, pregnancy, menopause or use of the birth control pill), obesity, and long periods of standing or sitting, blood pools in the veins of the legs which causes them to twist and bulge. These enlarged vessels are varicose veins.

Spider veins are similar to varicose veins, but are smaller, often red or blue in colour, and are closer to the surface of the skin than varicose veins. Their short jagged lines can resemble a spider web, hence its name.  Spider veins can be found on both the legs and face, covering small to large areas of skin.

Similarly, hemorrhoids are also dilated veins, which are caused mostly by the high pressure of blood in them. While hemorrhoids can also be caused by a systemic disorder (such as cirrhosis, which produces varicose veins in the esophagus as well as hemorrhoids), there is not a big difference between hemorrhoids and varicose veins in the legs. Both are produced by an increased pressure in the venous system in that area.

Symptoms of varicose veins may include a dull pain, itch or heavy sensation in the legs. This feeling is usually worse after prolonged standing and is better when the legs are elevated. In advanced states, varicose veins may cause ankle and leg swelling, as well as become ulcerated..


People who are prone to varicose veins are also prone to developing hemorrhoids and other circulatory problems. Themes that run through a person’s physical and emotional states are important in homeopathic diagnosing. For example, people who need the remedy Natrum muriaticum have the theme of retention or holding on that runs through many aspects of their personality and physical symptoms. This remedy is derived from a dilution of sodium chloride or common salt. The physical side effect of too much salt is fluid retention; the emotional component is that Natrum muriaticum people retain their emotions. People needing this remedy manifest the retention theme in many different ways, including congestive headaches, constipation, fluid retention and the inability to let go of past hurts.

When choosing a remedy, a homeopath verifies two things: a thread between a patient’s physical, mental and emotional states; and the parallels between the physical characteristics of the remedy and its manifestations in the human organism.Top Homeopathic Medicines For Varicose Veins
 The top Homeopathic medicines for Varicose Veins are Lachesis, Calcarea Flourata and Hamamelis. Lachesis is of great help for the treatment of bluish-purple Varicose Veins. Calcarea Fluorata is the best Homeopathic remedy when Varicose Veins result in swelling and joint pains. Hamamelis is the top Homeopathic medicine for Varicose Veins with a tense and bursting feeling in the joints and limbs.

 Top Homeopathic medicines for Varicose Veins with severe pain
The most beneficial natural Homeopathic medicines for Varicose Veins with severe pain are Vipera, Fluoricum Acidum and Hamamelis. Vipera is the top Homeopathic medicine when there is bursting pain in the Varicose Veins as the limbs are allowed to hang down. The patient has to keep the limbs elevated to avoid the pain.

Natural Homeopathic medicine Fluoricum Acidum is the best remedy for Varicose Veins with a severe burning pain that gets worse with heat. Hamamelis is one of the top Homeopathic remedies for Varicose Veins with sore ulcers.

 Lachesis and Carbo veg – Best Homeopathic medicines for bluish-purple Varicose Veins

The top natural Homeopathic remedies for Varicose Veins with a bluish-purple appearance are Lachesis and Carbo Vegetabilis. Lachesis is a Homeopathic medicine of great help for treatment of Varicose Veins with a bluish-purplish appearance, while Carbo Vegetabilis is a very beneficial Homeopathic cure for treatment of Varicose Veins with a bluish, marbled appearance of skin.

 Top Homeopathic medicines for Varicose Veins with heaviness of legs
The best natural Homeopathic remedies for heaviness of legs along with the appearance of Varicose Veins are Carbo Vegetabilis and Lachesis. Carbo Vegetabilis is the top Homeopathic cure for Varicose Veins with heaviness of legs. The legs feel heavy, stiff and paralyzed.

Lachesis is a natural Homeopathic medicine of great help for treatment of heaviness of legs that accompanies the appearance of Varicose Veins. The joints feel as if they are sprained in the morning.

Vipera and Graphites –  Best Homeopathic medicines for Varicose Veins with cramps in legs
Vipera and Graphites are the top natural Homeopathic remedies for treatment of Varicose Veins with cramps in legs. Homeopathic medicine Vipera is the best cure for enlarged veins accompanied by cramps in the lower limbs. The patient has to resort to keep the limbs elevated to avoid pain.

Graphites is a very beneficial natural Homeopathic medicine for Varicose Veins with cramps and jerks in the legs. There is a paralyzed feeling in the limbs  with severe cramps.

 Carbo Veg and Bellis Perrinis – Homeopathic medicines for Varicose Veins during pregnancy
The top natural Homeopathic medicines for Varicose Veins during pregnancy are Bellis Perennis and Carbo Vegetabilis. Bellis Perennis is the best Homeopathic cure for Varicose Veins during pregnancy with bruises and aching in the limbs. It is also very effective when there is pain down the thighs. Varicose Veins during pregnancy with marbled blue, cold and bruised skin are best treated with natural Homeopathic medicine Carbo Vegetabilis.

 Top Homeopathic medicines for Varicose Veins with marked swelling
The most beneficial natural Homeopathic medicines for Varicose Veins with marked swelling are Calcarea Fluorata and Pulsatilla. Calcarea Fluorata is a Homeopathic cure of great help for treatment of Varicose Veins with intense swelling. It helps to decrease the swelling in a very safe and natural way. Homeopathic medicine Pulsatilla is the best cure for swollen and dilated veins. It is very effective in the treatment of Varicose Veins when the swelling and pain get worse as the affected limb hangs down.

For more details. 
Muhammad Ahmed Homeopathic Clinic
Hcomeopathic Dr Muhammad Maqbool Ahmad
9am to 5pm
Contact # 0345-5542708

Tumair Islamabad. Pakistan. 

Thursday 21 June 2018



....Nasal polyp

It is the prolapsed, pedunculated part of the oedematous nasal mucosa or that of paranasal air sinuses and is usally smooth, pearly white or yellowish mass of variable size. It is composed of loose fibro-odematous tissue and the surface is lined with ciliated columnar epithelium. They are generally multiple, nearly always bilateral and produce nasal blockage by their presence. Polyp commonly arise from the ethmoid labyrinth and sometimes may arise from the Antrum. When they project posteriorly into the naso – pharynx, it is called an anterochoanal polyp.


Aetiology of polyposis is uncertain. Various views have been put forward to explain the aetiology.

Role of Allergy

Allergic reactions of nasal mucosa produce vaso-dialatation and increased permeability of the vessels as a result of which fluid moves out of the intera-vasucular compartment and causes water logging of the tissues. This oedematous mucosa subsequently presents as a polypoidal mass.


it is also believed that longstanding infection gives rise to perilymphangitis and periphlebitis resulting in poor absorbtion of the tissue fluid in the mucosa and thus this water – logged mucosa leads to polyp formation.

Mixed Aetiology

Allergy predisposes the tissues to infection and the allergy itself may be to bacterial proteins, hence it is cantended that both allergy and infection are in aetiological factors.

Barnoullie’s Phenomenon

States that passage of gas of liquid in a constriction induces negative pressure.


1. Arise from maxillary anthrum and passing to the choanal aperture Arising from ethmoidal are cells
2. Aetiology: mainly Allergic in Origin Allergy & infection
3. Age: Children & young Adults Adults
4. Number: Single Multiple, look like bunch of grapes
5. Situation: Unilateral Bilateral
6. Maxillary Antrum Ethmoidal air cells
7. Presentation: in posterior nares; a long standing polyp may even hang down to the oro-pharynx In anterior nares
8. No Deformity: Broadening of the nose, if long standing.
9. No eveidence of infection in meatus. Pus seen in middle meatus
10. Recurrence : Uncommon Common
11. Extends backwards and best seen in by posterior rhinoscopy Extends forwards and best seen in by Anterior rhinoscopy

Clinical Symptoms

The main symptoms are nasal obstruction, hyposmia and post-nasal drip. There is often some discharge which may be mucoid or purulent. Pus indicates associated Sinus suppuration.
Sneezing & rhinorhea; purulent rhinorhoea – ethamoidal.
Headache, may occur with or without sinus infection. Symptoms of allergy are seldom an obvious feature, though asthma may co-exist and there is often a previous history of Eczema.
Hawking & cough may be present due to post-nasal discharge.


In advanced cases, the external nose may become broadened, the condition is known as Frog – face.
Ethmoidal polyp are seen as anterior rhinoscopy as pale, bluish white or greenish, smooth & soft masses. They are usually bilateral & multiple.
Antrochoanal polyp arising from the antrum goes towards the posterior choana and is seen on Posterior rhinoscopy as a bluish white, pale, polypoidal mass in the naso-pharynx. The soft palate is sometimes displaced downwards and the polyp may be present in the oropharynx.

Differential diagnosis

Hypertrophied turbinates;
the turbinates are pink in colour. Sensitive to touch as compared to an ethmoidl polyp and is firm to feel when comparing eith softness of polyp. A probe can’t be passed around the turbinates as it is attached laterally and has no pedicle like an ethmoidal polyp.


This fungal infection of thew nose produces a bleeding polypoidal in the nose usually arising from the septum and is strawberry like in apppearence. Common in people living costal areas of India.

Angio – fibroma of Septum

Presents as bleeding mass in the nose. A careful examination reveals its site of origin.

Transilitionalcell or squamous papilloma:
Papilloma arising from the lateral wall in the region of the middle meatus may present as a polypoidal mass. This is usually single nd has an opaque and fleshy look.


A prolongation of meninges mass occur in the nasal cavity and appear as soft, cystic, polyp like swelling particularly in young children. Hence, it is always advisable to aspirate a polypoidal swelling in a younger patient for cerebro-spinal fluid.

Malignancy of nose

A malignant lesion in the nose may present as a polypoidal mass. It is usually friable and bleeds easily on touch. Some times polypoidal changes are associated features of malignancy.

Nasopharyngeal angiofibroma

Particularly a less vascular variety may be confused with an antrochoanal polyp. A History of epistaxis in an adolescent male with a lobulalar mass in the nasopharynx indicates a nasopharyngeal lesion rather than anthrochoanal polyp. Sometimes prominent vessels are visible on the tumour surface.


Developmental malformation consisting of a tumour like growth of tissue. It is a beneign lesion but may become large enough to cause trouble according to size & location but it rarely becomes malignant.

Cyst of the nose

Compressible, painless, usually produses naso-facial deformity.
Difference between Allergic polyp and Infective polyp
Allergic polyp Infective polyp
1. History of nasal allergy History of chronic sinusitis
2. Appearance: Pale, boggy & oedematous Fleshy red
3. Increased eosinophil count in blood examination Increased Neutrophil count in blood examination
4. Biopsy: Excess eosinophil in the matrix Excess neutrophil in the matrix


Allium cepa

Feeling of a lump at root of nose.
Acute catarrhal inflammation of mucous membranes, with increased secretion.
Coryza : profuse, watery and acrid nasal discharge, with profuse, bland lachrymation Acrid, watery discharge dropping from tip of nose. Sneezing, especially when entering a warm room.
Strong craving for raw onions, cannot take any other nourishment.
Aggravation: in the evening, in warm room.
Amelioration: in open air, and in cold room.

Ammonium muriaticum

Especially adapted to those who are fat and sluggish; or body large and fat, but legs too thin.
Free acrid, hot watery discharge corroding the lip.
Sneezing, nose sore to touch; ulcerative pain in nostrils.
Loss of smell obstructed, stuffy feeling; constant and unavailing efforts to blow it out.
Aggravation: head and chest symptoms in the morning;
Amelioration:, open air, from warm bath.


Adapted to the strumous constitution; glands enlarged, indurated;
Extreme sensitiveness to touch. pain: burning, stinging, sore; suddenly migrating from one part to another.
Coldness of tip of nose.
Thirstlessness; Craving for milk.
Aggravation: After sleeping; closed, especially warmed and heated rooms are intolerable; from getting wet, heat in any form; touch; pressure;. Right side.
Amelioration: from washing or moistening the part in cold water, In open air, uncovering.


Inflammation and ulceration of mucous membranes. Violent irritation of nose and eyes. Pain left side of nose.


Polypus with tightness at the root of nose. Nose obstructed;
Tightness at root and tension in nose.- Obstruction of nose by swelling
Cadmium is a chilly medicine. There is icy coldness. Coldness even when near a fire.
Aggravation: walking or carrying burdens; after sleep; from open air, stimulants.
Amelioration: eating and rest.


Dry, Nostrils sore, ulcerated. Stoppage of nose, also with fetid, yellow discharge. Offensive odor in nose.
POLYPI; swelling at root of nose. Takes cold at every change of weather. Catarrhal symptoms with hunger; coryza alternates with colic.
Leucophlegmatic, blond hair, light complexion, blue eyes, fair skin; tendency to obesity in youth. Psoric constitutions; pale, weak, timid, easily tired when walking. Disposed to grow fat, corpulent, unwieldy.
Head sweats profusely while sleeping, wetting pillow far around. Profuse perspiration, mostly on back of head and neck, or chest and upper part of body.
Aggravation: from exertion, mental or physical; ascending; cold in every form; water, washing, moist air, wet weather; during full moon; standing.
Amelioration: dry climate and weather; lying on painful side. Sneezing (pain in head and nape).


Swelling of the nostrils. Tip of nose thick red, hot, painful, worse left side, later a yellow blister full of pus appeared left side of lip. Purulent discharge from the nose. Nasal haemorrhage, frequent when sneezing. Increased acuteness of smell. Obstinate stoppage of the nostrils.
Aggravation: lying down, Turning or rising in bed; Celibacy; before and during menses, from taking cold, bodily or mental exertion.
 Amelioration: while fasting, in the dark, from letting limbs hand down, motion and pressure.


Sore on blowing it; is painful internally. Smell abnormally acute; cannot tolerate flowers.
Suited to women, inclined to obesity, who suffer from habitual constipation; with a history of delayed menstruation.
Aggravation: warmth, at night, during and after menstruation.
Amelioration: in the dark, from wrapping up.


Snuffles of children, Especially fat, chubby babies. Pressure and pain at root of nose, and sticking pain in nose. Fetid smell. discharge thick, ropy, greenish-yellow. tough, elastic plugs from nose; leave a raw surface. Dropping from posterior nares. Loss of smell. Inability to breathe through nose.
Complaints occurring in hot weather. Liability to take cold in open air. Pains: in small spots, can be covered with point of finger; shift rapidly from one part to another; appear and disappear suddenly.
Aggravation: beer, morning, hot weather, undressing.
Amelioration: from heat.


Sneezing. Swollen feeling; Worse, right nostril. Point red and itching. Violent coryza, with obstruction of nose, and loss of smell. The nasal bones are painful, especially to the touch.
 Tongue red, with burning pimples; burns at tip.
 Aggravation: eating veal; towards morning and in afternoon.
 Amelioration: drinking sips of water.


Putrid smell; loss of smell. Crusts and muco-purulent discharge very abundant. Post-nasal dropping. Pain like a string from nostrils to ear. Reduces nasal obstruction when it is an oedematous condition.
Foul smell from the nose and foul taste in the morning on waking are indications, also worse in damp weather.
Aggravation: in damp, rainy weather, especially Heavy rains.


Sense of smell very acute. Ulcerated nostrils. Crusts and elastic plugs. Fluent coryza. Nose stopped up. Snuffles; child starts from sleep rubbing nose. Fan-like motion of alae nasi.
For persons intellectually keen, but physically weak; upper part of body emaciated, lower part semi-dropsical;
Aggravation: right side, from right to left, from above downward, 4 to 8 p.m.; from heat or warm room, hot air, bed. Warm applications, except throat and stomach which are better from warm drinks.
Amelioration: By motion, after midnight, from warm food and drink, on getting cold, from being uncovered.


Coryza and dull hearing; right side of nose hot. Hawks mucus from posterior nares. Turbinated bones swollen. Boggy mucous membrane of nose and throat; closure of Eustachian tube, opening with a pop.
Aggravation: after sleep, After dinner, Afternoon and evening.

Natrum muriticum

Violent, fluent coryza, lasting from one to three days, then changing into stoppage of nose, making breathing difficult.
Discharge thin, watery mucus from nose. Like raw white of egg. Infallible for stopping a cold commencing with sneezing. Loss of smell and taste.
Great emaciation; losing flesh while living well; throat and neck of children emaciate rapidly during summer complaint.
Aggravation: noise, music, warm room, lying down; about 10 a.m., at seashore, mental exertion, consolation, Heat, talking.
Amelioration: open air, cold bathing, going without regular meals, lying on right side; pressure against back, tight clothing.


Green casts from nose every morning. Coryza, with sore and bleeding nostrils. Tip red. Stitches, as of a splinter in nose. Chronic nasal catarrh, with yellow, offensive, Corrosive discharge. Nasal diphtheria, with watery and exceedingly excoriating discharge.
Tongue clean, red and wet with center furrow.
Acts best on the dark complexioned and past middle life.
Aggravation: evening and night, cold climate, and also Hot weather.
Amelioration: while riding in carriage.


Fan-like motion of nostrils.
Epistaxis instead of menses.
Over-sensitive smell.
Foul imaginary odors.
Chronic catarrh, With small haem.

Homeopathic Dr Muhammad Maqbool Ahmad
Mobile # +92-345-5542708
Whatsapp #+92-345-5542708
Email #drmaqboolahmad01@gmail. Com
Kirpa road jhang seyadan lahtrar road Islamabad. Pakistan