Monday 2 March 2020

Dysentery and Homeopathy



In the case of dysentery, blood and phlegm like materials come with loose motion. Normally, it occurs when wound is formed in the large intestine with burning sensation in it. When swelling comes in the mucus membrane of the large intestine then pain starts in it and loose motions begins with cramps that contains glutinous matter. Sometimes, blood also comes in stool (loose motion). When glutinous matter comes in stool additionally then it is called amoebic dysentery and when additional blood comes in stool then it is called bloody dysentery.


Dysentery is caused by germ named ‘Amoeba’.

It is also due to infection of bacillary dysentery bacteria.

Amoebic dysentery is caused by the infection of amoeba.

Mostly, it is due to stale or polluted food and drinks.

If a healthy person uses the sufferer’s towel or his anything or eating with him, also gets infection.

It can also due to living in dirty place.

It occurs due to eating and drinking irregular way, weakness of the body and getting much cold or hot.


The patient, suffering from this disease, has also different types of other symptoms like-stomachache, groan while excretion and coming white glutinous matter in stools, feeling vomiting, lack of appetite, low fever, frequent loose motions, slight pain in the bottom of the stomach, to strain with frequent excretion, coming stool mixed with blood, sometimes only blood comes in stool (loose motions), etc. the whole body of the patient gives a particular smell. The face also becomes red. The nerves become weak, excretion unknowingly, falling hands and legs cold, tongue remains red and shiny, appearing boils in the liver, found the symptoms of collapse fever, body temperature is in between 102 to 103 degree, feeling burning sensation in the intestine, found symptoms of weeping and crying. When dysentery becomes much chronic then patient becomes too weak. If malaria or boils of the liver occurs with dysentery then the patient’s condition has become much serious.

Treatment of dysentery with different drugs:-

1. Calcacarea-carb- Calcarea-carb 6 to 30 is used when the dysentery patient’s has the following symptoms like- greenish, white or yellowish stool, becoming the sole cold like an ice, convulsions in the legs calf, difficulty in the anus and sweating on the forehead, etc.

2. Podophyllum- In dysentery, if blood comes with stool (loose motions), found blood as thread and amoeba in stool, too much strain (at stool), pain in the stomach, greenish amoeba or blood comes in stool, etc. are found in the patient then taking Podophylum 6 or 30 is beneficial.

3. Mercurius-cor- If the dysentery patient has the following symptoms like- feeling cramps before and in between loose motions, feeling dysentery pain, strain (at stool), coming excreta in little quantity, coming the pieces of glutinous matter or blood in stool (loose motions), feeling burning sensation in the anus, feeling urine with force but coming out in drops, appearing teeth marks on the tongue, offensive smell comes from the mouth, saliva comes in the mouth, yet does not feel thirst, etc. then Mercurious cor 6 should be used to cure such symptoms of the patient.

4. Arsenic- If the following symptoms are found in the sufferer like- feeling burning sensation in the body, violent thirst, black smelly stools mixed with blood, becomes unconscious, drinking little water several times, fear about death and feeling restlessness, etc. then using Arsenic 6 is beneficial to cure such patient.

5. Vaccininum-martilus-  This drug is very useful for both new and chronic dysentery. It protects the intestines from decaying and the disease is stopped to spread.

6. Mercurius-sol- If symptoms related to dysentery are found in the patient like-coming much blood compared to glutinous matters in stools or does not come even little glutinous matters, only blood comes, filling the mouth with saliva, etc. then using Mercurious-sol 30 is very effective to cure such patient.

7. Causticum-  If the followin symptoms are found in

Homeipathic Dr Muhammed Maqbool Ahmad

Mobile # 0345-5542708_0308-5213304

Tumair ,Islamabad.Pakistan

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