Friday 22 June 2018



...........Often thought of as an unsightly and embarrassing matter, varicose veins are one of many circulatory problems that can contribute to ill health. While they are most common in the legs and feet, varicose veins can appear on different parts of the body, even in the esophagus. What many people don’t realize is that hemorrhoids are also varicose veins, caused by a faulty vascular system.

People who are prone to varicose veins are also prone to other circulatory problems.  When working with a patient, homeopaths pay close attention to common threads or compatibility between the physical, mental and emotional aspects of each person.  Homeopathy recognizes that the mental and physical aspects of an individual are so closely inter-connected that physical ailments cannot be healed without taking into consideration the emotions and the person as a whole.  Hence, the prescribed remedy is a substance that corresponds with all physical symptoms and emotional states combined. In fact, understanding the nature and action of the substance (or remedy) is key to understanding its action on the human organism.

The fascinating parallels between the characteristics of a homeopathic remedy and its manifestations through physical and emotional ailments are the basis for homeopathic prescribing.  The closer the match between patient and prescribed remedy, the quicker the restoration of health.


Varicose veins are veins that have become stretched and pooled with blood, and are swollen and raised above the surface of the skin. They are found most often on the backs of the calves or on the inside of the leg, anywhere from the groin to the ankle. While men can be afflicted with this, varicose veins are more common in women and they tend to be hereditary.

Here is how they come about: The flow of blood starts with the pumping action of your heart. With each beat, the heart pumps blood and circulates it through the arteries. The arteries carry the blood from your heart out to your body, and the veins (which are larger than arteries) carry the blood from your body back to the heart.

The blood leaving through the arteries is full of oxygen, making the blood bright red. The blood returning through the veins is darker in colour, even bluish, because the body parts have used up the oxygen in the blood, hence the reason varicose veins appear blue or purplish.

Veins often show up in the legs, ankles and feet because those body parts are furthest from the heart. Gravity pulls blood down into your legs and feet when you’re standing up or sitting down. As a result, the veins work harder to get that blood back up to the heart, and this causes these veins to wear out faster than others.

Veins have valves that close after the blood passes through, to keep blood moving in one direction. When these valves become weak due to age, hormonal factors (such as puberty, pregnancy, menopause or use of the birth control pill), obesity, and long periods of standing or sitting, blood pools in the veins of the legs which causes them to twist and bulge. These enlarged vessels are varicose veins.

Spider veins are similar to varicose veins, but are smaller, often red or blue in colour, and are closer to the surface of the skin than varicose veins. Their short jagged lines can resemble a spider web, hence its name.  Spider veins can be found on both the legs and face, covering small to large areas of skin.

Similarly, hemorrhoids are also dilated veins, which are caused mostly by the high pressure of blood in them. While hemorrhoids can also be caused by a systemic disorder (such as cirrhosis, which produces varicose veins in the esophagus as well as hemorrhoids), there is not a big difference between hemorrhoids and varicose veins in the legs. Both are produced by an increased pressure in the venous system in that area.

Symptoms of varicose veins may include a dull pain, itch or heavy sensation in the legs. This feeling is usually worse after prolonged standing and is better when the legs are elevated. In advanced states, varicose veins may cause ankle and leg swelling, as well as become ulcerated..


People who are prone to varicose veins are also prone to developing hemorrhoids and other circulatory problems. Themes that run through a person’s physical and emotional states are important in homeopathic diagnosing. For example, people who need the remedy Natrum muriaticum have the theme of retention or holding on that runs through many aspects of their personality and physical symptoms. This remedy is derived from a dilution of sodium chloride or common salt. The physical side effect of too much salt is fluid retention; the emotional component is that Natrum muriaticum people retain their emotions. People needing this remedy manifest the retention theme in many different ways, including congestive headaches, constipation, fluid retention and the inability to let go of past hurts.

When choosing a remedy, a homeopath verifies two things: a thread between a patient’s physical, mental and emotional states; and the parallels between the physical characteristics of the remedy and its manifestations in the human organism.Top Homeopathic Medicines For Varicose Veins
 The top Homeopathic medicines for Varicose Veins are Lachesis, Calcarea Flourata and Hamamelis. Lachesis is of great help for the treatment of bluish-purple Varicose Veins. Calcarea Fluorata is the best Homeopathic remedy when Varicose Veins result in swelling and joint pains. Hamamelis is the top Homeopathic medicine for Varicose Veins with a tense and bursting feeling in the joints and limbs.

 Top Homeopathic medicines for Varicose Veins with severe pain
The most beneficial natural Homeopathic medicines for Varicose Veins with severe pain are Vipera, Fluoricum Acidum and Hamamelis. Vipera is the top Homeopathic medicine when there is bursting pain in the Varicose Veins as the limbs are allowed to hang down. The patient has to keep the limbs elevated to avoid the pain.

Natural Homeopathic medicine Fluoricum Acidum is the best remedy for Varicose Veins with a severe burning pain that gets worse with heat. Hamamelis is one of the top Homeopathic remedies for Varicose Veins with sore ulcers.

 Lachesis and Carbo veg – Best Homeopathic medicines for bluish-purple Varicose Veins

The top natural Homeopathic remedies for Varicose Veins with a bluish-purple appearance are Lachesis and Carbo Vegetabilis. Lachesis is a Homeopathic medicine of great help for treatment of Varicose Veins with a bluish-purplish appearance, while Carbo Vegetabilis is a very beneficial Homeopathic cure for treatment of Varicose Veins with a bluish, marbled appearance of skin.

 Top Homeopathic medicines for Varicose Veins with heaviness of legs
The best natural Homeopathic remedies for heaviness of legs along with the appearance of Varicose Veins are Carbo Vegetabilis and Lachesis. Carbo Vegetabilis is the top Homeopathic cure for Varicose Veins with heaviness of legs. The legs feel heavy, stiff and paralyzed.

Lachesis is a natural Homeopathic medicine of great help for treatment of heaviness of legs that accompanies the appearance of Varicose Veins. The joints feel as if they are sprained in the morning.

Vipera and Graphites –  Best Homeopathic medicines for Varicose Veins with cramps in legs
Vipera and Graphites are the top natural Homeopathic remedies for treatment of Varicose Veins with cramps in legs. Homeopathic medicine Vipera is the best cure for enlarged veins accompanied by cramps in the lower limbs. The patient has to resort to keep the limbs elevated to avoid pain.

Graphites is a very beneficial natural Homeopathic medicine for Varicose Veins with cramps and jerks in the legs. There is a paralyzed feeling in the limbs  with severe cramps.

 Carbo Veg and Bellis Perrinis – Homeopathic medicines for Varicose Veins during pregnancy
The top natural Homeopathic medicines for Varicose Veins during pregnancy are Bellis Perennis and Carbo Vegetabilis. Bellis Perennis is the best Homeopathic cure for Varicose Veins during pregnancy with bruises and aching in the limbs. It is also very effective when there is pain down the thighs. Varicose Veins during pregnancy with marbled blue, cold and bruised skin are best treated with natural Homeopathic medicine Carbo Vegetabilis.

 Top Homeopathic medicines for Varicose Veins with marked swelling
The most beneficial natural Homeopathic medicines for Varicose Veins with marked swelling are Calcarea Fluorata and Pulsatilla. Calcarea Fluorata is a Homeopathic cure of great help for treatment of Varicose Veins with intense swelling. It helps to decrease the swelling in a very safe and natural way. Homeopathic medicine Pulsatilla is the best cure for swollen and dilated veins. It is very effective in the treatment of Varicose Veins when the swelling and pain get worse as the affected limb hangs down.

For more details. 
Muhammad Ahmed Homeopathic Clinic
Hcomeopathic Dr Muhammad Maqbool Ahmad
9am to 5pm
Contact # 0345-5542708

Tumair Islamabad. Pakistan. 

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